Sunday, February 21, 2016

One Day

I hope one day you realize

how alone I really am..

how left out I really feel..

how many tears I really cry..

Maybe you will actually see

I was never really happy.

Everyone forgot,

without thinking to remember.

Always in the background,

or always in the center.

Yet still,

  Somehow always,


I hope someday,

someone realizes.

Cause right now..

my cries are

being mistaken

as laughter.


  1. "Cause right now... My cries are being mistaken for laughter"
    Amazing line, although this post makes me wish I knew you

  2. "Always in the background,

    or always in the center."

    that part was good! and that closer...oh man. amazing

  3. I hope one day, to notice you.
    And to meet you.
    And to love you.

  4. Wow—fantastic use of repetition, Mia. LOVE the feel, and I have to agree that the closer is awesome.
