Monday, November 27, 2017

I want You.

I want your last name
Your Sunday mornings and you daily commutes.
 I want your phone calls and your quirks.
 Your sick days and your hair in my sink after a trim to the beard. 
I want your laugh. 
Your arms around my waist when I walk by. 
Your eye contact. 
Your smile. 
I want to find your lost keys. 
Do your laundry. 
I want Sunday IHOP visits. 
I want the other side of the bed to be yours, our fingers intertwined. 
I want our late night conversations. 
I want your silence. I want your heartbeat humming to mine as I fall asleep on your chest. 
I want your electricity bills and rent. 
I want the white powder all in your hair after work. 
I want your twisted past. 
And I want to be your future.

My Goodbye.

This is my goodbye.
Goodbye to everyone that I've connected with.
this is my goodbye.
My goodbye to everyone I love. And know that I will always love you.
This is my goodbye.
My goodbye to this world. And all the lessons it has taught me. 
This is my goodbye.
My goodbye to all the pain and emptiness I feel. To all the hollow spaces that have built up inside me. To all the hurt I have endured. To all my scars that have made me who I am.
It's time to leave. It's time to say goodbye. It's time to accept that i am no longer needed in this life. It's time to let go of myself, give up on myself. Just as everyone else has.
It's time to say goodbye. 
Ive become desolate.
This is my suicide.
And this, this is my goodbye.