Wednesday, December 7, 2016
My Moment..
Searching for someone who's demons are
compatible with ours.
We dance with too much destruction, to fill
the empty spaces in our hearts.
We patiently and hopefully, wait for that
last dance. Because we believe it will make
us whole again.
For me,
I was left with too much hollow heartbreaks.
I started to give up on love, letting the
feeling of abandonment take over.
That's why..
It was unexpected.
So very unexpected.
How fast I fell for you.
How quickly we fell for each other.
And to think it all started by a dishwasher.
In old smelly work clothes.
With pruned wrinkled fingers.
Yet it happened.
We fell for each other.
With snap streaks
And endless text messages,
to all nighters in gas station parking lots.
it was ridiculous,
But we fell for each other.
I remember it all.
The gentle little-more-than-friendly hugs,
Electrifying sweet kisses, and the nervous
sweaty palms while holding hands.
I remember the feeling I felt when I first
started talking to you.
I remember being afraid of the way you
made me feel.
I remember not wanting to get hurt again.
I remember when I used to think that
everything was pointless. Wasted.
After all,
it all fades away in the end..
Yet incredibly,
We fell for each other.
There comes a time when you meet
someone, and you just want to make them
smile for the rest of your life.
And all it takes is a moment.
A single moment.
Until they become your forever.
You and me?
It's a forever kind of thing.
So darling,
Save the last dance for me.
Because I remember,
We fell for each other.
And I swear to god,
that was my moment.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Not as Cliché
Have you ever wondered how someone who was romantically interested in you, viewed you?
As if they were writing a novel or a book. Maybe they'd write about your hair was a perfect shade of brown, or a flattering unnatural hair color (like pink, or purple) that brought out the pale/dark complexion of your skin. How beautiful your eyes looked when you were happy, or how they sparkled and darkened in different emotions.
Maybe you're viewed as a beautiful, sassy, spitfire, not afraid to speak your mind.
Maybe you're the shy sweetheart, who doesn't really understand how beautiful you are, yet you see beauty in everything else.
Or maybe, it's hard to categorize you, because they're horrible at words, but they're so damn in love with you to even care.
To someone, who you are as a person doesn't deter them from falling in love with you. It doesn't matter how broken your past is, or the fact you may be hard to figure out, how crazy your family is.
At the end of the day, everyone gets their storybook romance.
It just won't be cliche as all the others.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
but only in the most
Monday, May 16, 2016
I remember how it was.
How we were.
I remember how it felt, and how it feels.
I remember the passion.
I remember the late night drives, and midnight text conversations.
I remember the green snap backs
And the Taco Bell we never ate.
I remember the GTRs and the i8s.
I remember the Lotus.
I remember you.
I remember our week.
I remember us.
I could never forget.
And it hurts...
It hurts like hell...
Friday, April 22, 2016
It's Going to be Okay.
You asked for it though. You asked for this. So many people have told me that I need to open up. But not a single person understands, that every time I pry apart my rib cage, releasing all the butterflies that have been hiding there, for years. People are too busy swatting them away, to realize what I have done for them. So please, excuse the mess. It's easy for things to clutter up when you keep the door locked for so long.
My heart is chained and boarded and nailed, just to keep people out of it. I even have a sign painted in bold letters saying, "Don't come in, I'm hurting".
My heart is as hollow and empty as the spaces between the stars. And you know what? That's okay too.
It's okay.
It's okay because it wasn't always like this.
My heart used to be happy, and it used to be able to feel every little emotion people feel on a day to day basis, and it wanted to. It used to skip a beat when that boy smiled at me walking through the halls, or when someone gave me a genuine compliment. My heart used to feel love and passion, and everything in between. My heart used to vibrant. My heart used to be able to feel laughter spread through my body, as if it were a spark growing to a fire.
My heart used to beat to let me know I was loved.
My heart used to have so much to say.
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Love at First sight
I have never believed in love at first sight,
that we are able to give our hearts away
upon one view.
Or that after just one glance
we are in love.
But I do believe that the second I saw your eyes, I loved them. And the moment I saw your smile, I loved it. And the instant I heard your laugh, I fell in love with the sound.
I have never believed in love at first sight.
But I do believe that after one glance in your direction
I have belonged to you completely.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Prom 2016
Him - "you owe me 1/2 dance still"
Me - "you don't want to dance with me because all I can offer you is sweaty palms and awkward conversation"
Him - "you sold me"
Me - "I sold you on what?"
Him - "You sold me on you"
Friday, April 1, 2016
It's Gonna Be Messy
I'm a jumbled up mess. Full of complications. I can never make up my mind. As I've said in my introduction, I call myself a paradox. Or more specifically, my mind is the paradox. I'm just the void. This post, this reveal, is going to be a jumbled up mess as well. It seems best fit.
I'm a paradox.
I want to be happy,
but I think of things that make me sad.
I'm lazy, yet ambitious.
I don't generally like myself, but I
also love who I am.
I say I don't care, yet most of the time
I do.
I crave attention, but reject it
when it comes my way.
I'm a conflicted contradiction.
I can't figure myself out, so
there's no way anyone else
has either.
Monday, March 21, 2016
You Left Your Mark.
Just a human.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Just Imagine..
walking down the street, or waiting in line for
coffee and just think:
Wow, you are beautiful.
There's something about that person that just
captivates you, draws you in, and you can't
exactly put your finger on it.
And you find yourself staring, just watching
them go about their business in the way that
they do.
Then it's your turn in line, or the person turned
a corner and disappeared, and you realize
you've got a big goofy grin on your face
because just, wow.
Just imagine..
Imagine how many people have had that
experience because they saw you.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Maybe Just One Dance?

Sunday, February 28, 2016
What is Sad?
So many different feelings with it.
and I have come to know many,
Just as many,
have come to know me.
The saddest kind of sad
Is the sad that tries not to be sad.
You know,
When sad tries to bite its lip
and not cry,
and smile,
and say "No, I'm happy for you"
That's when it's
Really sad.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Grey Crayon in the Box
I believed you could make wishes on eyelashes, like we do with dandelions. I believed grey was the most fascinating color in the crayon box.
But never did I think, my mind would be as unknown as a paradox.
I believed in pinkie promises.
I believed in bedtime stories, and mini marshmallows in hot chocolate. I believed nothing could be greater than love. And still, I believed grey was the most fascinating color in the crayon box.
But never did I think, goodbyes could hurt more than a knife.
I believed you could get through anything with a Hannah Montana song. I believed that my ADHD could never hold me back. I believed in dads and doughnuts, and drinking apple juice when you get sick. I believed my stuffed animals were family, and that peas were of the devil.
But never once did I think,
that the little grey crayon in the box, was me.
And now I believe that grey is the color of secrets, never meant to be read. Grey is the unknown. Grey is supposed to be the inbetween. Grey is a color that doesn't stand out.
I believe that colors will always fade, but grey will remain. I believe grey is the color of our empty spaces.
But maybe grey is a paradox too.
Maybe grey is sad. And maybe grey cries. But grey will be okay. Maybe grey can be beautiful, as it's the color of silence. Maybe grey stays the same, to comfort each color when its their time to fade. Maybe grey is lost, trying to find its spot on the page.
And maybe,
Maybe I'm just a little too grey.
I am a dull and lifeless grey. I am one that wants nothing more than to be that little girl with crazy beliefs. The girl that didn't know any better.
Now I just think in grey.
But that's not entirely a bad thing.
So next time you see, that little grey crayon in the box. Think of a little girl who hoped and dreamed. Think of a girl that makes mistakes, but still continues to try. Think of a girl who still believes in pinkie promises. Think of a girl who is more beautiful than all her defeat. Think of a girl who will always be around, who is always here to stay.
Think of me.
Me and my grey.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
One Day
how alone I really am..
how left out I really feel..
how many tears I really cry..
Maybe you will actually see
I was never really happy.
Everyone forgot,
without thinking to remember.
Always in the background,
or always in the center.
Yet still,
Somehow always,
I hope someday,
someone realizes.
Cause right now..
my cries are
being mistaken
as laughter.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Just to Keep You Out
so I built walls around my heart.
Walls made of bricks,
Just to keep you out.
And found other names
to whisper in the night.
Just to forget the feeling,
of your arms holding me tight.
But you carved yourself,
into my veins,
as if it were my grout,
that held together my brick wall.
I don't know if you meant to,
but the memories are leaking in.
And sometimes I wonder,
If you remember the way
we looked at each other.
Like we're about to kiss.
Or maybe, you forgot.
With you went so much of me,
Yet here I am, remembering
the feeling of your arms,
and how they felt like home.
I tried to stop loving you,
to such a great extent.
Only to have no other choice,
but to convince myself
That I never have..
Just to keep you out.
Monday, February 15, 2016
In one minute, or
sixty seconds, or
sixty thousand milliseconds,
today will be gone
and today will be yesterday and
tomorrow will be today.
it's kind of terrifying when you think
about it.
Terrifying in the way that everything
you did today - all the
lists you made,
places you've been,
things you've touched,
songs you've heard,
conversations you've had - will
soon become a memory,
or worse, it would be forgotten.
Lost amidst all of your yesterdays.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Maybe Love is just a Void..
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Scribbled in Sharpie
Almost too many to count.
I have green hats, and black hats.
Purple hats and grey hats.
Even some snap backs.
And they all have memories.
Memories of coffee shops,
and sweaty concerts.
Even dark alley ways with fireworks.
But there is one specific hat,
One hat that will always be my favorite.
The one you wore when you held my hand,
And the tingle in my fingertips,
kept me from holding yours.
The hat you wore,
When we first kissed, in my cars front seat after work that night.
The hat with our names inside it,
Scribbled in Sharpie.
The hat that never left your head,
until the day you put it on mine.
The hat that was our promise.
Our promise to never leave.
The hat you would only let me touch.
The hat that was our forever.
And finally,
The hat I wore,
Standing under the street light,
Watching you walk away..
I have many hats.
Almost too many to count.
But not one of these hats,
could compare to the one,